Explore Cities Like Never Before: Personalized City Trip Adventures

Preparing a city trip is not as simple as one imagines…

Do you want to surprise your lover and take him or her on the weekend? There are many cities in Europe suitable for a romantic city trip. You can stay in your country, or even your region, and discover unusual places close to home. On the contrary, you can take some distance and reach by plane, train or car a romantic city in another European country.

Want to take your little family on a weekend trip? There are many cities in Europe suitable for a family city trip, depending on the ages and tastes of your children.

Planning a city trip is more complex than you could think! It’s not just about booking a hotel and getting there. Your city trip will vary according to your affinities, your age and the composition of your family. You don’t start with a baby’s pram on a city trip to Venice for instance.

The steps are done in a certain order. Depending on your objective (cultural, gastronomic or recreational for example), your accommodation and restaurants but also your schedule differs.

Here some examples of city trips that we have already planned:

Ready to Start Your Journey? Discover How We Plan Your Dream Trip!